The 5 Things I Love About Camping


The 5 Things I Love About Camping

The summer time is almost upon us, and if there is one thing that I love to do every summer, it’s to camping in my favorite state park. Camping makes me feel at one with the Earth, and there is nothing better than waking up and knowing that you are in the wilderness and away from the stresses of civilization. The following are the five things that I love the most about camping in the great outdoors.

Being in the Middle of Nowhere

The greatest thing about going camping is getting away from the city and enjoying all of the wonders that Mother Nature has to offer. There is no traffic to be annoyed with, no aircraft in the sky and the overall buzz of a bustling city is nowhere to be found. At night you can also see the beautiful stars, which is not a common sight in the city because of light pollution. Out on a remote campground there is no light pollution and the universe is displayed above you in its infinite grandeur. Millions upon millions of stars are visible in the night sky and it is a sight that you will never forget.

Hiking the Trails

The best way to see what a campground or state park has to offer is by hiking the trails. Depending on the ecology of your location, your experience can be vastly different. If you are in an arid environment, you are likely to be hiking through shrubs and drought resistant trees. Lush green environments can be more interesting, as they have more wildlife that you can enjoy. While this is not recommended in large areas where it is possible to get lost, I like to stray off the beaten path a little and experience things that are just out of sight to most on the marked trail.

Swimming in the River

After a long hike under the hot sun, there is nothing better than jumping in the cool waters of a river near your campsite. At the state park that I frequent, I get to enjoy the Frio River every time I go. If you’re brave, you can even dive into the river from the trees that line the bank! Aside from swimming, you can go tubing down the river and just relax or even fish if it’s allowed.

The Food

There is no debate. Campsite food is simply the greatest! It makes me think of what it was like thousands of years ago when humans did not have fancy cooking tools like food processors. Just a fire (albeit with a grill on top) and the food you’re going to cook on it is all you need. The simplicity of the food is what makes it delicious! Furthermore, you can’t go camping without making that classic campfire snack: smores!

The Companionship

There is no better place to get to know a friend better than on a camping trip away from the distractions of the city. Out on the campground, there is poor cell phone reception and no electricity to fuel these distractions. This opens the door for deep and meaningful conversations that will make your relationships with friends and family members closer than before. Also, remember that silence in the company of loved ones is not a bad thing. It is very relaxing to be sitting in the presence of a loved one in complete comfortable silence.

As you can see, there is much to love about camping trips. This summer, pack some canvas tents and invite some friends on a camping trip. I assure you that it will be one of the most fun summers you’ve had in a long while.


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